Engine Code Decoder

Engine Plate Decoder

The engine plate is a series of numbers and letters that are stamped on a metal plate that is riveted to the engine near the water pump. This plate is located in the same place across all mini generations and is used to identify the engine size and features.

Unsure what your engine plate looks like?

850cc 970cc 997cc 998cc 1070cc 1100 1275
Engine Codes
Engine Size
Engine Variant
Gearbox Details

8A850Austin up to 25000

8MB850Morris up to 25000

8AM850Austin & Morris 25000-onward

8AH850Austin & Morris Automatic

8AJ850AustinClosed-circuit breathing

8AK850Austin & Morris automaticClosed-circuit breathing

8WR850Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf


85H/101850All variants 1969-onwards

9WR998Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf Mk2Pre- closed circuit breathing

9AD998Austin, Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf Mk2Remote type gearboxClosed circuit breathing

9AE998Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf Mk3

99H/-/101-on998Wolseley, Riley, Mini 1000, Clubman1000 1970-onward and Mk3Dished pistons

99H/791998Mini 1974-onwardDished piston

99H/9979981980-onward A+ block2.95 final driveFlat top pistons

99H/A97P998A+ blockPre-A+ gears, 3.44 final driveDished pistons, 12-inch wheels

99H/B81998Up to engine number 127431Flat top piston with circlip wrist pin retention

99H/C20998Up to engine number 105023Flat top piston with circlip wrist pin retention

99H/997998From engine number 1274222.95 final driveFlat top piston with circlip wrist pin retention

99H/A35P998Flat top piston with circlip wrist pin retention

99H/B81998From engine number 127432Flat top piston with press fit wrist pin

99H/C20998From engine number 105024Flat top piston with press fit wrist pin

99H/D80998Flat top piston with press fit wrist pin

99H/G30 or G32 or G33998Flat top pistons with press fit wrist pins, lead-free cylinder head

99H/F15 or F16998Flat top pistons with press fit wrist pins, lead-free cylinder head

99H/E20 or E21998Flat top pistons with press fit wrist pins, lead-free cylinder head

99H/D81998Flat top pistons with press fit wrist pins, lead-free cylinder head

LBB10089998Flat top pistons with press fit wrist pins, lead-free cylinder head

99H/B83P998Up to engine number 102908Dished pistons with circlip wrist pin retention

99H/B84P998Up to engine number 100216Dished pistons with circlip wrist pin retention

99H/B83P998From engine number 102909Dished pistons with press fit wrist pin, lead-free

99H/B84P998From engine number 100217Dished pistons with press fit wrist pin, lead-free




10AMW/Ta1100Clubman Estate and Austin 110 (ADO16 shape)

10H7911100Clubman Saloon (sedan)

10H/-/H1100All Austin 1100 2- and 4-door derivative Saloons (ADO16 shape)

10GR/Ta/H1100MG1100 (ADO16 shape)

10GRB/Ta/H1100MG1100 & Wolseley 1100 (ADO16)

10V/Ta/H1100Vanden Plas 1100 (ADO16 shape)

9F/Sa/H101 to 2637 except 19201 to 20410 (became 1070S)997

9FA/Sa/H998CooperMk1 Austin pre-closed circuit breathing

9FD/Sa/H998CooperMk1 Morris up to engine number 1934, all Austin Mk2 closed circuit breathing and Morris Mk2 from engine number 1935-33660 with closed circuit breathing

9FD/Xe/H998Cooper4-synchro gearbox4-synchro gearbox introduced

99/-/H998CooperLast of manufacture 1969

9F/Sa/X970Cooper SEngine numbers 29001-29003 with Tecalamit filter

9FD/Sa/X970Cooper SClosed circuit breathing introduced with Tecalamit filter

9FE/Sa/X970Cooper SClosed circuit breathing, oil filter with oil light switch introduced

9F/Sa/X970Cooper SEngine numbers 29039-30029 Purolator oil filter with oil light switch and closed circuit breathing

9F/Sa/H1070Cooper SEngine numbers 26501 to 33660 and 19201 to 20410

9FD/Sa/H1070Cooper SEngine numbers 33661 to 33948 with closed circuit breathing and oil light switch in oil filter head

9F/Sa/Y1275Cooper SEngine numbers 31001 to 31504 pre closed circuit breathing with Purolator oil filter

9FD/Sa/Y1275Cooper SClosed circuit breathing with oil light switch on filter housing after engine number 32178

9FE/Sa/Y1275Cooper SClosed circuit breathing with oil light switch on Purolator filter housing and piston design change

9F/Sa/Y1275Cooper SFrom engine number 32378 onward, closed circuit breathing with Purolator filter with oil light switch, Aeg510 camshaft introduced at engine number 40006, cross-drilled EN40Bcrank at engine number 42730 and metal dipstick tube at engine number 42548-onward

12H3971275Cooper SCooper S Mk3 with dynamo, negative earth and Tuiftrided EN16T crankshaft

12H3981275Cooper SCooper S Mk3 with alternator, negative earth and Tuftrided EN16T crankshaft

12G/Ta/H1275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)ADO17 shape Wolseley, Riley, MG & Vanden Plas fitted with S rods

12H3791275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Remote type gearbox1275GT with dynamo, negative earth, electric fuel pump

12H3801275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Remote type gearbox1275GT with alternator, negative earth, electric fuel pump

12H3891275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Remote type gearbox1275GT with dynamo, negative earth, mechanical fuel pump

12H3901275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Remote type gearbox1275GT with alternator, negative earth, mechanical fuel pump

12H7061275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Rod change gearbox1275GT with alternator, negative earth, mechanical fuel pump

12H3971275Cooper S Mk3 - Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Dynamo and negative earth

12H3981275Cooper S Mk3 - Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Alternator and negative earth

12H/-/1275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)1275 Austin ADO16 & Allegro

12H610/6351275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Innocenti Mini with duplex cam drive gears and 11-stud head

12H719/8321275Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Covers)Innocenti Mini with simplex cam drive gears and 11-stud head

12A/2A12751990-onwardsCarburetor type

12A/2B12751990-onwardsCarburrettor and catalyst type

12A/2D12751990-onwardsSPi (Single-Point Injection // TBI = Throttle-Body Injection) with 9.4-1 CR

12A/E12751990-onwardsSPi (TBi - throttle body injection) with 10-1 CR

With the following suffixes:12751990-onwards

F7512751990-onwards3.105 final drive9.4-1CR, SPi, closed loop catalyst

F7612751990-onwards9.4-1CR, automatic with closed loop catalyst

F7712751990-onwards3.2 final drive10.0-1CR, SPi Cooper, closed loop catalyst

G0112751990-onwards3.105 final drive10.0-1CR, catalyst, no oil cooler

G0312751990-onwards3.105 final drive9.4-1CR, catalyst, May 1992 onward

G0412751990-onwards2.76 final drive9.4CR, catalyst, French only spec

G0512751990-onwards9.4-1CR, automatic with catalyst

8G28850Factory Replacement EnginesOil feed to primary gear type crank with 1.375" tail shaft

8G35850Factory Replacement EnginesDeva bush conversion type crankshaft with 1.375" tail shaft

8G45850Factory Replacement EnginesGold Seal, 1.5" self-oiling primary gear/crankshaft type

GSE1101E850Factory Replacement EnginesGold Seal unit

RKM1101E850Factory Replacement EnginesSilver Seal unit

BHM1307E850Factory Replacement EnginesGold Seal unit, 85H prefix replacement

8G18997Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Oil feed to primary gear type crankshaft

8G29997Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Deva bush type primary gear and crankshaft

8G36997Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Oil feed converted primary gear and crankshaft

8G33998Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Fitted with 28G193 (12G202) cylinder head

8G40998Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - 28G222 (12G295) cylinder head introduced

8G42998Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Closed circuit breathing rocker cover and side plates

8G49998Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Purolator oil filter with oil light switch introduced

GSE1103E998Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Gold Seal unit, was RKM1120E Silver Seal

RKM1103E998Factory Replacement EnginesCooper - Silver Seal unit

8G57998Factory Replacement EnginesNew from 1969 and exchange for all pre-A+ up to 1981

GSE1102E998Factory Replacement Enginesold Seal unit, was RKM1119E Silver Seal unit, pre-A+ up to 1981

RKM1102E998Factory Replacement EnginesSilver Seal unit, pre-A+ up to 1981

RKM1119E998Factory Replacement EnginesSilver Seal unit, replaced by RKM1102E, pre-A+ up to 1981
Image of my car on jack stands


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Classic Mini DIY by Cole Gentry.

Classic Mini DIY toolbox is a passion project aligned with the Classic Mini DIY youtube channel. This is a completely free resource built to keep the Classic Mini technical knowledgebase alive for years to come. Regularly updated and crowd sourced data made to help Classic Mini owners all over the world.